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1. Zocco MA, Di Stasio E, De Cristofaro R, et al. Thrombotic riskfactors in patients with liver cirrhosis: correlation with MELDscoring system and portal vein thrombosis development [J]. JHepatol, 2009, 51 (4): 682-689. DOI: 10. 1016/j. jhep. 2009. 03. 013.
2. Abdel-Razik A, Mousa N, Elhelaly R, et al. De novo portal veinthrombosis in liver cirrhosis: risk factors and correlation with themodel for end stage liver disease scoring system [J]. Eur JGastroenterol Hepatol, 2015, 27 (5): 585-592. DOI: 10. 1097/MEG. 0000000000000325.
3. Stine JG, Wang J, Shah PM, et al. Decreased portal vein velocityis predictive of the development of portal vein thrombosis: amatched case control study [J]. Liver Int, 2018, 38 (1): 94-101. DOI: 10. 1111/liv. 13500.