低危型 | 高危型 |
1. 结节状的 2. 浅表型 | 1. 硬斑病样型/浸润型 2. 微小结节型 3. 基底鳞癌 |
Tx | 不能评估的原发性肿瘤 |
T0 | 无原发性肿瘤证据 |
T | 是原位癌吗? |
T1 | 肿瘤最大直径 ≤ 20 mm(不包括 BCC*),具有 < 2 个高危特征∗ |
T2 | 肿瘤最大直径 > 20 mm或(BCC*除外)任何大小,有 2 个或 2 个以上高危特征* |
T3 | 肿瘤侵袭上颌骨、下颌骨、眼眶或颞骨 |
T4 | 肿瘤侵袭骨骼(中轴骨或附属骨)或颅底神经周围侵袭 |
*很少适用于 BCC,因此未纳入英国皇家病理学家学院分期中。 |
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1. Slater D, Walsh M. Dataset for the Histological Reporting of Primary Invasive Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Regional Lymph Nodes. London: The Royal College of Pathologists, 2014. https://www.rcpath.org/resourceLibrary/g124_ datasetsquamous_may14-pdf.html (accessed 27 April 2016)
2. Edge SB, Byrd DR, Compton CC, et al. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 7th edn. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2009
3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Improving Outcomes for People with Skin Tumours including Melanoma (update). The Management of Low-risk Basal Cell Carcinomas in the Community. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2006. http://www.nice.org.uk/ guidance/csgstim/documents/skin-cancer-update-management of-lowrisk-basal-cell-carcinomas-in-the-community2 (accessed 15 March 2015)