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1. Seo JB, Im JG, Goo JM, Chung MJ, Kim MY. Atypical pulmonary metastases: spectrum of radiologic findings. Radiographics. 2001 Mar-Apr. 21 (2):403-17.
2. Kroft LJ, Geleijns J, Mertens BJ, Veldkamp WJ, Zonderland HM, de Roos A. Digital slot-scan charge-coupled device radiography versus AMBER and Bucky screen-film radiography for detection of simulated nodules and interstitial disease in a chest phantom. Radiology. 2004 Apr. 231 (1):156-63.
3. Swensen SJ, Aughenbaugh GL, Brown LR, Harms GF, Karsell PR, Gray JE, et al. Advanced multiple beam equalization radiography: receiver operating characteristic comparison with screen-film chest radiography. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 Jul. 73 (7):636-41.